It’s always difficult when you have to find a new member to join your agency. Doubly so, when you are a small, nimble, beast of an agency that likes nothing more than to punch above its weight. It’s even more difficult when you have to find this elusive creature during Covid.

Luckily for us we managed to find the perfect individual, and then some. A big, raucous and remote elbow-bumping, virtual high-five welcome to Kim van der Linden. Kim joined the MullenLowe South Africa team during May. It’s not in everyone’s nature to remotely walk into an agency, take up the reigns and hit the virtual ground running. But that’s exactly what Kim did. She already feels like part of the family and it’s only been four weeks.

Many of us in the South African Advertising and Marketing landscape will know of – or will have worked with Kim in some capacity or other – be it client, colleague or supplier. She’s a stellar addition to our group and we look forward to working with her as part of our team.

Kim will be overseeing the Edward Snell portfolio of brands, as well as certain project-based campaigns for the likes of Ayoba / MusicTime and more.

Welcome Kim, here’s a virtual cheers and elbow bump to welcome you to the MullenLowe family.